Acting Up & Acting Out
Our Plays
Each Entree Act play is unique and exclusive to our troupe. Our plays are fully scripted and designed to entertain and involve the audience.

The Trusty Keg
Richmond Red welcomes you to The Trusty Keg - the best saloon in Westanuthinville! Get your six-guns ready for an adventure with Mr. Thomas, The Judge, The Sherriff, and Lovely Lilly.
Dangerous Doin's in The Club D'Ville
The "Don" Linguini invites you to The Club D'Ville for roaring evening of flappers and gangsters.

Ghosting Inn
Sarah and Tabitha haunt the Inn but are they really ghosts? Priscilla and Zeroxid bring the spirits to life and solve the mystery.

Are We There Yet?
Come aboard The Susan Constant as it journeys to Jamestown, Virginia to settle the New World. The ship left England in 1607 and other than that fact, and those who were onboard, we promise no historical accuracy.
Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Tories
In 1776, the Lee family of Virginia was in peril with an assassin threatening them. When the assassin is murdered, the family must determine who killed the killer.

Death by Cuckoo
Starring an unknown hero, Jack Jouett and set in Cuckoo Tavern (yes, a real place), we meet the Lady Lees again as they take on a new set of Revolutionary spies and traitorous Tories.